Thursday 2 June 2016



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Overview (3)

Date of Birth31 May 1991Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Birth NameBhaskar Naran
Height6' (1.83 m)

Mini Bio (1)

Bhaskar D. Naran, commonly called just Bash by his friends, was born on 31 May 1991 in Ranchi, India. Just 9 months later his parents, both doctors, decided to move to East London, South Africa. It was there Bash lived for 6 years. From there the family moved to New York City where Bash at the age of 8 begin to start acting in stage plays. After abandoning the arts for several years, Bash took it up once again in high school and landed the lead characters of Danny Zuko in "Grease", Marc Antony in "Julius Caesar", Charlie Brown in "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown", and Moonface Martin in "Anything Goes". Bash also was given the highest student post in his school's prolific theater department: Stage Manager.

It was during his summers that Bash began to work on films in different capacities. Bash worked as a supporting actor in the award-winning musical movie, "SAT The Musical: as Marcus. A year later Bash joined on as a PA on the set of the movie, "You Have The Right To Remain Violent."

Bash also has created his own short film which was released to just private audiences. At the moment he is on his way to creating a feature length comedy which he describes as a mix between "Pineapple Express" and "Chasing Amy."

Bash is attending college at Stony Brook University where he plans to take upon Entertainment Business & Law.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: BDN
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