Friday, 6 May 2016


Detailed Profile: Smt. Usha Verma

NameSmt. Usha Verma
Constituency from which I am electedHardoi
Father's NameShri Basant Kumar
Mother's Name
Date of Birth05 May 1963
Birth PlaceRoorkee, Distt. Hardwar (Uttaranchal)
Maritial StatusMarried
Date of Marriage29 Jan 1988
Spouse NameShri Lal Bihari
No. of ChildrenNo.of Sons:1   No.of Daughters:1
State NameUttar Pradesh
Party NameSamajwadi Party
Permanent Address78, Peni PurvaRailway Ganj, Hardoi - 229 123 Uttar PradeshTels. (05852) 234701, 233135, 09415417988 (M)
Present Address56-58, North Avenue,New Delhi - 110 001Tels. (011) 23093055 9891268460, 9868180300 (M)
Email id
Educational QualificationsM.A. (English) Educated at S.D. Degree College and B.S.M. Degree College, Roorkee,Uttar Pradesh
ProfessionAgriculturist Architect Political and Social Worker Businessperson
Positions Held
1998Elected to 12th Lok Sabha
1998-99Member, Joint Committe on the Empowerment of Women
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Power
2002Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly
Minister of State, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
2004Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
Member, Committe on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Member, Committe on Social Justice & Empowerment
5 Aug. 2007 to May 2Member, Committee on Social Justice & Empowerment
2009Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (3rd term)
31 Aug. 2009Member, Committee on Rural Development
Social and Cultural ActivitiesUpliftment of the downtrodden, the poor children and women; and working for an ideal society which may satisfy the basic needs of the people
Special InterestsSocial service and cooking

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      Image result for usha verma
      Usha Verma
      Indian Politician
      Usha Verma is an Indian politician.She was elected to the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India from Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh in 1998,2004 and 2009 as a member of the Samajwadi Party.She ...Wikipedia
      BornMay 5, 1963 (age 53), Haridwar
    Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - From your Internet address - Use precise location
     - Learn more   

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